Create and categorise the possible locations of your tools
In UnTouch Web, you first maintain the location categories with their types and, based on this, the site and maintenance locations outside and the possible storage locations within the company. You can provide exact address information from which geographic coordinates are generated for being displayed on the map. Further sub-levels are available for each location, which make a more precise assignment possible.
Internal locations
Create location categories with the type "internal" for locations where your tools are stored or serviced in-house. These are usually located on your company premises. The location categories "operation" and "internal maintenance" were created in the demo system as an example.
External locations
Tools that are located in external locations are displayed on the map in UnTouch Web and are not directly available for borrowing. However, they can be transferred from the current borrower to a new borrower with the app using the handover function.
on site locations
List on site locations under location categories with the type external. These are locations that are usually outside the company, e.g. construction sites and project locations. But also use in the company's own production facility or transport in a vehicle fall under this category.