Import your new tools and desired locations
UnTouch Web enables you to use the data import function to automatically create new locations and tools or to return to a previous status. To do this, select the item Data import from the submenu of the administration of UnTouch Web. Here you can now use the buttons to download sample files and control the import.
Sample files for tools and locations
So that you can create new tools and locations automatically, they must correspond to a defined format. In order to make it easier for you to comply with this format, we have made sample files available for download in UnTouch Web under the menu item Data import. Both files are in XLSX format and require Microsoft Excel or an equivalent software for editing. In the file you will find the table header with the required column information and a few examples. Each line under the column names corresponds to a new tool or new location in UnTouch Web when uploading.
Import your edited files
After you have filled your sample files with the data lines for the tools and locations to be created, start the import with the respective button. Now select the Excel file you edited for import and start it. You will receive progress information during the import. As soon as the window closes, the upload is complete. You can then view, change and expand the tools and locations created in the menu item of the same name on the web interface.