Our UnTouch Packages

Choose what suits you and stay flexible

We have put together four packages to get you started with digital tool management. Of course, you can expand your system at any time by purchasing additional components and accessories.

Demo Package


Starter Package

Inventory Package
Scope of delivery
UnTouch Phone + App 1x
Smartphone Voucher
- 1x
or Smartphone Voucher
or Smartphone Voucher
UnTouch Person Tags 2x - 10x 30x
UnTouch Tool Tags 5x - 100x 300x
UnTouch Web user license 4 Wochen 1 Jahr*2 1 Jahr*2 1 Jahr*2
Persons bis zu 100 bis zu 100*1 bis zu 100*1 bis zu 100*1
Tools bis zu 1000 bis zu 1000*1 bis zu 1000*1 bis zu 1000*1

Preis 69,00 € 550,00 € ab775,00 € ab1.250,00 €
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*1 To manage another 100 persons and 1000 tools, the UnTouch Web quantity extension license can be purchased via the shop.
*2 The term of the license will automatically be extended for another year, unless canceled in writing three months before expiry. Alternatively, an unlimited long-term license can be purchased in the shop.

Extensions, components and accessories

After you have decided on a service package, you can manage up to 100 employees and 1000 tools with your UnTouch Web user license. In order to manage another 100 people and 1000 tools, UnTouch Web quantity extension license can be purchased via the shop. In addition, you can expand your system at any time with UnTouch Phones as well as Tool and Person Tags, which come in several formats and shapes to choose from.

UnTouch Web quantity extension license  UnTouch Phones  UnTouch Tool Tags variants  UnTouch Person Tags variants  UnTouch Accessories